Incredible Wild Edibles: 36 plants that can change your life


Incredible Wild Edibles: 36 plants that can change your life

by Sam Thayer, 480 pages, 6x9, softcover. Sam Thayer’s foraging books are in a league of their own. No other gives such insightful accounts of edible wild plant species, and the writing is captivating. I’ve read and re-read chapters in his books (Forager’s Harvest, Nature’s Garden) like one would a favorite collection of stories. For some of us, the excitement around the release of this third volume in his series is akin to that of the latest Harry Potter, though the magical world Thayer brings to life is not imaginary—it can be experienced. Each of Thayer’s books stands alone, with no overlap of the plants covered. In this new volume, an exciting selection of foods awaits you out there: greens, berries, shoots, roots, bulbs, nuts, seeds, tree fruit, sap, flowers, and more. He describes each plant in detail: what it looks like, where to find it, when and how to harvest it, and how best to prepare it for consumption. With clear photos of the plants’ edible portion(s), as well as of non-edible “look-similars,” you can ID with confidence. Thayer’s books will help you engage with the landscape in a new way. In this third volume, I appreciate his essays that challenge our assumptions (about foraging, agriculture, nature, civilization) and conclude with a vision of hope for the future of food production. -John Paul Rietz

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