A must-read for anyone in the cannabis industry. Covers all aspects from soil and seed, to planting, growing and maintaining, through markets and product diversification. Funny and informative.
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The book you need to grow apples organically. This revised and expanded version includes apple-growing basics, as well as the latest research and strategies for successful organic orchards.
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The Apple Lover’s Cookbook: The Classic Guide to Cooking and Eating Apples
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This thorough and well-researched book features loads of educational tidbits and tips. Includes descriptions for 59 varieties with notes on taste, texture and suggested uses. Great for cooks.
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Apples and the Art of Detection: Tracking Down, Identifying and Preserving Rare Apples
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Brilliantly framed as a detective story, this book is a must for anyone interested in apples and the old-timey experts behind the scenes. Filled with photographs and beautiful illustrations.
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A well-written, and brief but dense guide for exploring and rediscovering apple heritage, with descriptions of 162 varieties of historic or commercial importance to New England. A pleasure to read!
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The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Cannabis and Making Your Own Healing Remedies
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by Tammi Sweet, 144 pages, 7x9, softcover. Practical, clear and wasting not a word, this guide is a perfect tool for anyone new to the world of...
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by Mark Mikolas, 208 pages, 6x9, softcover. If you’ve ever felt stumped by tree ID, Mikolas wants you to know it’s not your fault and he’s here to...
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Big Book of Cider Making
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Outlines a spectrum of tools and methods to suit both the casual dabbler and the fastidious fermentista. Features a solid groundwork of basic recipes and techniques for hard or soft cider.
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by Leah Penniman, 352 pages, 6⅓x9½, hardcover. “The Queen Mothers of Kroboland, Ghana, admonished their Black American students in disbelief, ‘Is...
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An approachable botany textbook and herbal field guide to North American plants with colorful illustrations on nearly every page. Regularly updated by the author since its release in 1996.
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Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties: The Gardener’s and Farmer’s Guide to Plant Breeding and Seed Saving
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Molecular geneticist turned seed breeder Carol Deppe knows seeds and shares information available nowhere else. Learn the subtleties of selection, how to design variety trials, and much more.
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Cass Turnbull’s Guide to Pruning: What, When, Where & How to Prune for a More Beautiful Garden
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Filled with clear how-to and how-not-to instructions, along with useful illustrations and laugh-out-loud humor, Turnbull walks through the basics and delves into specifics for more than 150 plants.
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by Charles Eisenstein, 320 pages, 6x9, softcover. A gift to a world disoriented by ecological collapse and haunted by the question of what to do,...
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Cold-Hardy Fruits and Nuts: 50 Easy-to-Grow Plants for the Organic Home Garden or Landscape
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From first-hand experience and extensive research Levy and Serrano have identified and profiled a host of easy-to-grow cold-hardy edible fruits and nuts that are great for home gardens.
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A soil science book for everyone! Filled with farmer anecdotes, insightful reference charts, and illustrations, this book is both engrossing and practical for anyone who works with soil.
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Full of tools to plan for success before your first seed hits the soil. If I’d had this book when I started farming, I would have avoided many mistakes!
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by Lisa Mason Ziegler, 240 pages, 8x10, hardcover. This book is for anyone who wants to grow cutflowers, whether your arrangements are for...
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The Ecological Farm: A Minimalist No-Till , No-Spray, Selective-Weeding, Grow-Your-Own-Fertilizer System for Organic Agriculture
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by Helen Atthowe, 384 pages, 8x10, softcover. If you’ve been following the various threads in “ecological” or “holistic” growing that have...
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The Elderberry Book: Forage, Cultivate, Prepare, Preserve
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Highlights reasons to plant an elderberry bush and how to do it successfully. He walks us through a history of the plant, its cultivation and propagation, and its many uses in food, tools and toys.
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by FH King, 441 pages, 5½x8½, softcover. In the early 1900s, former USDA official FH King traveled through China, Korea, and Japan to document how...
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Emphasizing a revitalized historical overview of what worked (and still does) for past cultures throughout the world to inspire us as we reinvigorate our sustainability for the future.
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With 26 full-page illustrations (including covers), our exclusive coloring book features some mash-ups you might recall from past catalogs, and some brand-new ones, for an all-ages coloring fun fest.
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by Kirsten K. Shockey and Christopher Shockey, 376 pages, 8x9, softcover. With more than 140 recipes that excite and intrigue, this book is...
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A cookbook for avid foragers and gardeners looking to infuse their kitchens with creativity. With clear instructions, gorgeous photos, and inspiration well beyond the usual soup-or-salad suggestions.
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All-in-one field guide, history lesson, memoir and cookbook, with familiar edibles alongside lesser known ones. Beautiful photos and rich sidebars feature relevant musings and entertaining commentary.
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by Scott Zona, 256 pages, 8x10, hardcover. Ever wondered what’s happening when your plant suffers transplant shock? Or what causes variegation in...
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Practical information for every skill level is jam packed into the timeframe between planning a garden and storing away the results. Good pictures and line drawings illuminate the content.
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by Tavis Lynch, 112 pages, 72⁄5x9, softcover. A basic step-by-step guide to home-scale mushroom cultivation. Lynch presents methods for growing...
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If you are new to seed saving, this little manual by the founder of Johnny’s covers all the basics and is the best place to start. First published in 1976, it is a classic.
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The definitive guide to growing garlic. He covers varietal differences and history, and provides in-depth cultural information on growing, harvesting, storing and marketing garlic.
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by Richo Cech, illustrated by Sena Cech, 354 pages, 8x10, softcover. Every spring, for inspiration and practical reminders for the new growing...
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With this book you will learn how and when to collect seeds from your favorite native trees and shrubs, how to process them, store them and sow them to grow your own legacy of trees.
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The ins and outs of everything from feed sources, housing/bedding options and fencing styles, to marketing, record keeping and staying sane. All necessary details of humane and organic swine farming.
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by Bob Osborne, 288 pages, 8x10, hardcover. Two of our favorite apple authors are the practicable Michael Phillips and the encyclopedic Dan...
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3rd edition, by Bob Osborne, 208 pages, 8x10, softcover. More often than not, when I recommend a rose bush to a customer who is looking for a...
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Covers gathering plants, drying them, and making simple household medicine: teas, tinctures, and more. A distillation of many years of herbal relationships, documented with beautiful pictures.
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Herbal Revolution: 65+ Recipes for Teas, Elixirs, Tinctures, Syrups, Foods + Body Products That Heal
A foundational approach to herbal preparations and medicine making, and a must-read for anyone interested in incorporating medicinal herbs into daily life via an assortment of delicious recipes!
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Covers a wide range of crops, while addressing orchard design, dynamics and horticulture in unparalleled detail. Pruning, planting, companion planting, spraying, not spraying—it's all here!
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Soule unlocks the mysteries of biodynamics as no one ever has before. Her gardening is spiritual practice, mindful rhythms in harmony with all living souls.
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2nd edition, by Owen Wormser, 185 pages, 7x9, softcover. Written by a landscape designer with deep Maine roots and Northeast know-how, Lawns into...
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by Ben Hartman, 272 pages, 7x10, softcover. I have spent a majority of my career working to optimize processes and eliminate waste by applying...
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A standout among the many no-till books. Frost provides a deep look into the living nature of soil while broadening our practical understanding of how to grow crops in a regenerative way.
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Miso, Tempeh, Natto & Other Tasty Ferments: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fermenting Grains and Beans
by Kirsten K. Shockey and Christopher Shockey, 408 pages, 8x10, softcover. It turns out there’s more to fermented grains than beer, and more to...
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With humorous line drawings and simple precepts and instructions, Adkins finds ways to move any heavy thing by employing ingenuity, simple tools (i.e. wedges, jacks, levers, line) and often a friend.
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With plenty of scientific detail and practical knowledge about a variety of regenerative practices, Phillips reveals how mycorrhizal fungi are deeply embedded in healthy soils and plant physiology.
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by Douglas W. Tallamy, 200 pages, 6x9, hardcover. All life occurs in a web, seen and unseen. This book about oaks makes that web visible in a...
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A fully revised and updated 30th anniversary edition of this classic reference book. With new chapters on ley farming and growing flowers, as well as detailed color photos throughout the book.
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A holistic approach emphasizing efficiency and solvency, but also quality of life. Breathe life into your growing endeavors and make your garden a more joyful place for all.
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Lorimer profiles 235 native plants, describing their growing needs and habits, wildlife value and native habitat, with gorgeous color photos to emphasize the unique beauty of each species.
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by Tom Philpott, 246 pages, 9½x6 ½, hardcover. The bounty in our supermarkets is destroying our soil and water while poisoning workers on which...
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by Stephen Harrod Buhner, 564 pages, 6x9, softcover. John Muir said “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest...
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An evidence-based guide to companion planting, covering living mulches, trellis plants; and duos to minimize pests, suppress diseases; support pest-eating beneficial insects, and feed pollinators.
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Painted portraits of People working for Earth Justice (including 5 from Maine!), accompanied by concise biographies and framed by essays about earth justice.
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First published in 1973, this comprehensive guide to canning, freezing and drying the garden’s bounty has been updated and offers useful recipes and trustworthy food-safety protocols.
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by Eric and Joy McEwen, 272 pages, 7x10, softcover. There’s no denying that raising bees is hard these days. Our pollinators are suffering from...
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Revised edition by Devon A. Mihesuah, 350 pages, 5½x8½, softcover. In this revised edition, award-winning author and citizen of Choctaw nation...
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This book dives deep into the chemical and biological workings of your garden soil! Plenty of in-depth science, but also includes 12 soil amendment recipes simple enough for a layperson to follow.
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Placing emphasis on those with special health and dietary needs, Deppe covers her Golden Rules of Gardening, five essential crops you need to survive and thrive, as well as recipes and seed saving.
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If thoughts of crisp carrots in March set your mouth watering, you'll love this well-illustrated tour of root cellar designs, featuring varietal selections, best storage conditions, and recipes.
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Grounded in the living wisdom of her own community, Penobscot activist and human rights lawyer Sherri Mitchell offers hope to those of us wrestling with who we are in this beautiful and hurting world.
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by Samuel Thayer, 736 pages, 6⅓x9¾, softcover. My wife and I do a lot of wild foraging, and Thayer’s three previous compendiums have always come...
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A brilliant curriculum, broken down by age group, then by season, with age-appropriate activities that teach students about botany, ecology, and social interaction. Great for teachers or parents.
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If you are a fan of the Eyewitness educational books from the ’90s, this one is for you. Covers 45 insect and spider species, with photos of every life stage! Includes an easy comparison guide.
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Classic reference with spectacular photographs and detailed instructions on seed saving techniques, including: harvesting, drying, cleaning, storage and proper isolation distances.
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Full of inspiration and practical advice for gardeners and professional growers. Contains lunar and astronomical charts correlated with planting data, along with interesting articles and essays.
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by Robert Kourik, 486 pages, 8½x11, softcover. Don’t fear the thickness of this tome—it’s saving you from reading a 3-foot-tall stack of papers,...
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The Tao of Vegetable Gardening: Cultivating Tomatoes, Greens, Peas, Beans, Squash, Joy and Serenity
by Carol Deppe, 288 pages, 7½x9½, softcover. Armed with her scientific expertise (PhD in genetics from Harvard), her acute sense of observation,...
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by Stephanie Seneff, 272 pages (including 58 pages of indices and notes), 6x9, hardcover. Glyphosate is a difficult word to say, let alone to...
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by Akiva Silver, 274 pages, 6x9, softcover. I’m not sure if this book would be with the gardening books or on the self-help shelf in a bookstore....
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by Robert Kourik, 225 pages, 8½x11, softcover. Soil yearns for roots. In fact, plant roots define soil and, to a great extent, control the soil...
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by Jennifer Jewell, 392 pages, 6x9, hardcover. Organized by a year in the life of a seed, Jewell weaves in her personal story of observing seeds...
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by David Deardorff and Kathryn Wadsworth, 192 pages, 7½x9½, softcover. The only book dedicated to a single species in the widely popular “What’s...
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by Tammi Sweet, 272 pages, 6x9, softcover. This book has something for both the cannabis-naive and the cannabis-savvy. Whether you want to make a...
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by Will Bonsall, 400 pages, 8x10, softcover. As a former apprentice of Will’s, I assumed his book would be a nostalgic journey but not especially...
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by Lindsey Schiller with Marc Plinke, 307 pages, 7¼x8¾, softcover. Is it worth the coal burned to generate the electricity to grow a tomato in...
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