The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate


The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate

by Peter Wohlleben, 288 pages, 5½x7½, hardcover. Are trees conscious, sentient beings? Groundbreaking scientific research is clouding the space between yes and no. In evolution, we were “split off from vegetation very early on,” Wohlleben states, and science has had to work a little harder to understand our plant friends. This is the lens through which the writer has come to better understand the tree community he manages as forester in the Eifel Mountains of Germany. The questions Wohlleben asks are simple 5th-grade science class topics but the answers run as deep as the mystery he briefly illuminates for us, and our imaginations are sparked by how little we know about the invisible world. Wohlleben uses current research to support what might otherwise sound outlandish. He emphatically anthropomorphizes trees to drive home the point that they can indeed “feel” and communicate using light, electrical impulses, sound waves and mycelial networks. The entwined life stories of the forest trees, insects, fungi and bacteria held in this book will cause you to pause in awe after each short chapter. This beautifully crafted book is for everyone. -Jen Ries

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