Wildcrafted Fermentation: Exploring, Transforming and Preserving the Wild Flavors of Your Local Terroir


Wildcrafted Fermentation: Exploring, Transforming and Preserving the Wild Flavors of Your Local Terroir

by Pascal Bauder, 294 pages, 7x10, paperback. Just when we thought there couldn’t be one more book of any value written on the fermentation of food, le voilá! Veering off from paths forged by Sandor Katz, this book wanders through the landscape of wild krauts and kimchis, fermented forest brews and seawater brines. Fermenting in leaves and fermented wild grain (think foxtail and crabgrass) are a couple intriguing ideas. Admittedly, many of the recipe ingredients rely on garden vegetables, including only a smattering of their wilder cousins. Some names are a bit suspect: “Forest Floor Paste” contains more of what I collect in my meadow, which is probably a good thing, since I would find it a challenge to ferment with leaf mold. But with clear instructions, basic technique and enticing pictures, it’s a good jumping off place. Grab your field guide and check out your neighborhood for your very local dinner options. -Nikos Kavanya

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