


Myrica pensylvanica 5-10' x same.

A common sight along Maine’s rocky shores. Glossy leaves are highly aromatic, although not to be confused with the Mediterranean bay leaf in your spice collection. Small greyish-blue waxy fragrant berries were historically used for making candles.

Non-showy flowers appear in late spring followed by fruit production along the stems of female plants during summer into late fall. Plants feed numerous wildlife species and are especially craved by swallows.

Rounded deciduous semi-evergreen very salt-tolerant shrub thrives in full sun to partial shade, sandy poor soils to heavy clay soils. Excellent en masse or in hedges, tends to sucker. Fixes nitrogen. Tends toward being dioecious: male and female plants required for good fruit development.

Unsexed plants; plant several if you desire berries. Native to eastern U.S. Z2. Maine Grown. (1-3' bare-root plants)

500 Bayberry
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500 A: 1 for $18.75
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