Smith Cider Apple


Smith Cider Apple

Malus spp. Mid-Late Fall. Thomas Smith intro, Bucks County, PA, about 1800. Synonyms include Cider Apple, Choice Kentuck and Poplar Bluff. Quite popular long ago in the Ohio Valley, mid-Atlantic and Southern states.

All-purpose fruit, desired for fresh eating, cooking and for its rich juice with consistently high sugar, an excellent base for cider blending. Flesh is tender, juicy, crisp and mildly subacid. Medium-sized roundish-oblate conic fruit is splashed and striped with red. Tree is vigorous, spreading, highly productive and annually bearing. First recorded in 1817 by Coxe in his book A View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees and the Management of Orchards and Cider. Named by the owner of the original tree, which stood on a slope near a cider press. Smith would roll barrels down the hill and use the tree as a bumper to stop them from rolling any farther.

Keeps until late winter. Blooms late. Z5. Maine Grown. (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees)

165 Smith Cider
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Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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