St. Cloud Highbush Blueberry


St. Cloud Highbush Blueberry

Vaccinium corymbosum Early-Mid. 4'. B19 (G65 x Ashworth) x US3 U Minn, 1990.

Lowbush-highbush cross with firm dark blue medium-large highly flavorful sweet fruit. We’re excited to see how this newer offering compares to our old favorites. Crisp texture, stores well in refrigeration. Foliage turns orange in fall. Short spreading canes. A good pollination companion for Northblue and Patriot. Z3. (1 liter pot, 12–18")

352 St. Cloud
Item Discounted
352 A: 1 for $18.00
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Additional Information

Highbush Blueberries

Two varieties are required for pollination, and three or more are recommended. Plant 3–6' apart in rows 8–10' apart.

For more info:
About Highbush Blueberries