Chinese Milk Vetch - Organic
Astragalus - Medicinal Perennial

Astragalus membranaceus 18-36" tall. Deep-rooted leguminous plant forms an upright bush with small whitish-yellow flowers. Important Chinese medicinal known to rebuild the immune system. Z4. read more


‘Panorama Reds’ - Organic
Bee Balm - Medicinal Perennial

Monarda didyma 3-4' tall. Fabulous blooms in a diverse range of red shades destined to attract scads of butterflies and hummingbirds. Z3. read more


Wild Bergamot - Organic
Bee Balm - Medicinal Perennial

Monarda fistulosa 2-4' tall. Our native wildflower species with aromatic lavender blossoms. This is the variety most commonly used for medicinal purposes. Z3. read more


Boneset - Organic
Medicinal Perennial

Eupatorium perfoliatum 5-7' tall. Flat-topped clusters of white to lavender flowerheads. Stimulates the immune system. Fetching addition to the perennial border. Z3. read more


Medicinal Perennial

Symphytum officinale 24-48" tall. Clusters of pinkish purple flowers above bristled foliage. Known for skin-soothing properties. Recommended as an orchard companion. Z3. read more


Purple Coneflower
Echinacea - Medicinal Perennial

Echinacea purpurea 3-5' tall. Spiny seedheads are a beautiful coppery yellow-brown, surrounded by a single row of reflexed lavender-purple petals. Tinctured roots boost the immune system. Z3. read more


Yellow Coneflower - Organic
Echinacea - Medicinal Perennial

Echinacea paradoxa 3-5' tall. Bright pure-yellow flowers with drooping petals surround spiky dark brown seed cones—irresistible to gobbling goldfinches! Z3. read more


Lavender - Medicinal Perennial

Lavandula angustifolia 16-18" tall. Considered the hardiest lavender. Sweet-scented flower spikes with light lavender flowers. Z4. read more


Lemon Balm - Organic
Medicinal Perennial

Melissa officinalis 24" tall. Lemony leaves are delicious in teas, salads, with fruit or dried for sachets. Attracts pollinators. Z3/4. read more


Marshmallow - Organic
Medicinal Perennial

Althaea officinalis 5-8' tall. Beautiful towering medicinal plant. Leaves, flowers and mucilagenous roots are used to soothe mucous membranes. Z4. read more


Mountain Mint - Organic
Medicinal Perennial

Pycnanthemum virginianum 30" tall. Makes a tasty minty tea traditionally used to settle indigestion. Spreads readily. Densely flowered, attracts pollinators. Native. Z4. read more


Stinging Nettle - Organic
Medicinal Perennial

Urtica dioica 3-6' tall. Young shoots are high in minerals and leaves are delicious steamed as early spring greens. Cooking removes the sting. Spreads readily; choose your site carefully. Z2. read more


Medicinal Perennial

Acorus americanus 24-36" tall. Water-loving bog plant with broad sword-like foliage that smells sweetly of citrus and vanilla when crushed. Roots traditionally used as an aromatic bitter for digestive upsets. Z3. read more


Blue Vervain - Organic
Medicinal Perennial

Verbena hastata 5-7' tall. Elegant tall branching spikes of vibrant blue-purple flowers. Attracts pollinators. Commonly used as a nervous-system tonic and mild sedative. Full sun. Native to North America. Z3. read more


Common Blue Violet - Organic
Medicinal Perennial

Viola sororia 6–10" tall.

North American native with cheery blue-purple flowers in May and attractive heart-shaped dark green leaves, all edible.

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Yarrow - Organic
Medicinal Perennial

Achillea millefolium 24" tall. A natural anti-inflammatory, cold remedy and fever reducer. White flowers June to September. Excellent orchard companion. Z3. read more
