Exotic Nigella Love-In-A-Mist


Exotic Nigella Love-In-A-Mist

Nigella hispanica
Exotic’s golden-brown pods are similar to velvetleaf’s wonderful starry seed pods except with long fancy tendrils. Will add interest and volume to any dried arrangement. Unlike velvetleaf, this annual won’t be a nuisance in the field. Doubles as a cutflower with open form, striking maroon stamens and an arresting shade of deep blue, almost purple. Atop 16" stems, the blossoms hold longer in a bouquet than other kinds of Love-in-a-Mist. Likes full sun or light shade. Annual. ~900 seeds/g.

5187 Exotic Nigella
Item Discounted
A: 0.1g for $2.75   
B: 0.4g for $5.00   
C: 2g for $12.50   

Additional Information


Annual. Everlasting grown especially for its spiky decorative seed pods. Germinates in 10–14 days at 60°. Grow on at 60–65°. Set transplants 6–9" apart.


All flowers are open-pollinated except where noted.

Days in parentheses after a variety indicate days to first bloom.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO

All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.