Cucumis melo (77 days) F-1 hybrid. Thick silky firm orange flesh. Tan-green round 3 lb fruit. Harvest at full slip and ripen off the vine 1-3 days.
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Cucumis melo (80 days) F-1 hybrid. Green flesh. Round uniform 1.5-3 lb fruit with light but full net. Skin blushes yellow as fruit ripens. Harvest at full slip.
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Cucumis melo (75 days) F-1 hybrid. A large (average 2–3 lb) impressive melon with lush mellow-sweet pear flavor and light green very juicy flesh....
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Cucumis melo (90 days) Open-pollinated. Orange-fleshed heirloom from Colorado. Slightly oval 5x6" fruits average 5 lbs and keep up to 3 weeks in cool storage
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Cucumis melo (88 days) Open-pollinated. Firm orange flesh is mild but sweet with just the right amount of musk. 3-lb oval fruits feature exquisite netting.
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Cucumis melo (80 days) F-1 hybrid. Orange flesh. Oval-to-round, 2.5-4 lb fruit with full net and light ribs. Harvest at full slip. Excellent holding and shipping.
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Cucumis melo (75 days) F-1 hybrid. Exceptionally early, reliable, and even-ripening, Divergent is the cantaloupe-galia cross favored by organic...
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Cucumis melo (74 days) F-1 hybrid. Thick orange flesh with small seed cavity. Oval 6" diameter 3 lb fruit with medium net. Very early ripening from TP. Harvest at full slip.
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Cucumis melo (82 days) F-1 hybrid. Early out of the field. Thick dense musky orange flesh. 4-6 lb coarsely netted oval fruits. Easy to pick at full slip.
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Cucumis melo (70 days) F-1 hybrid. An unusual sweet and sour melon! The idea of a sour muskmelon might sound strange, but trust us: Melonade’s...
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Cucumis melo (89 days) Open-pollinated. Green-fleshed heirloom, once the most widely grown in Canada, New England. Netted and ribbed fruits with aromatic silky texture. Can get quite large.
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Cucumis melo (85 days) F-1 hybrid. Complex flavor, sweet white flesh. Round 2-4 lb fruit with sparse net. Green skin turns orangey-yellow when ripe. Harvest at full slip.
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Cucumis melo (80 days) F-1 hybrid. A reliable Tuscan-type melon that always delivers—netted and striped 2–3 lb round melons have sweet aromatic ...
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Cucumis melo (75 days) F-1 hybrid. If you’ve been a fan of Athena, you might want to try her foster father’s namesake, Triton. The hybrid merman...
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