Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (65 days) F-1 hybrid. Unmarred heads with firm curds, without warping, melting or discoloration in high summer. Also makes excellent mid-early fall heads.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Short stems bear compact 1-2 lb uniform firm white tight heads with fine beads. Early, but less dense than later varieties.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Flowering stick type cauli with fine-textured curd. Florets extend into a single-serve branch to be harvested individually. Delicate Japanese beauty.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (68 days) F-1 hybrid. Pastel orange uniform heads of dense curds on sturdy plants. Highly adaptable; consistently performs well in a range of conditions, including heat stress.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (62 days) F-1 hybrid. This super early deep purple cauliflower with tight curds will start forming heads before...
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (80 days) F-1 hybrid. You won’t need to use the force to attain revolutionary fall harvests of dependable...
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (93 days) F-1 hybrid. Very large upright plants set dense 2-4 lb attractive white domed heads. Tender with very good flavor.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (76 days) F-1 hybrid. Lively bright green cauliflower with great texture raw and cooked. Stays green when cooked. Hefty heads.
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