Galanthus elwesii


Galanthus elwesii

Galanthus elwesii Taller than the common snowdrop with larger flowers and is earlier to emerge in spring helping to stretch out the snowdrop season. Large milky white nodding pendent blooms, with an emerald green marking on the inner petals. This award-winning 1874 heirloom is the best variety for naturalizing and is also well suited to forcing.

5–8" tall. Very Early Spring blooms, Z3–8. 6cm. BACK!

ships in fall

6501 Galanthus elwesii

A: 10 ea
sale! was $9.50
B: 50 ea
sale! was $39.00
C: 200 ea
sale! was $149.00

Additional Information

Novelties and Specialties

The Royal General Bulbgrowers Association in Holland (Koninklijke Algemeene Vereeniging voor Bloembollencultuur, or KAVB) puts this large group of diverse flowers into a boring catch-all category: Miscellaneous Bulbs. The expensive catalogs call them accent bulbs; some call them minor or dwarf bulbs (even though some of the fritillaries are huge!); Louise Beebe Wilder covered most of them in her 1936 classic Adventures with Hardy Bulbs. Whatever you call them, most are sweet, colorful, and completely welcome in spring.