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Scionwood order
February 21, 2025
Priority fulfillment
deadline for trees:
March 7, 2025
Final order deadline for trees:
mid-spring, when we run out of stock
Items from our perennial plants warehouse that were ordered on
or before March 7 will ship around
March 26 through late April, starting with warmer areas and finishing in
colder areas.
Orders placed after March 7 will ship around late
through early-to-mid May, in the order in which they were received.
Sorry, we cannot expedite these orders, add to existing orders or
combine orders.NOTE: Scionwood and early rootstock orders ship around March
Rubus spp. Midsummer. Moderately large and quite juicy fruit with true blackberry taste. Highly productive. Has survived Maine winters for over a century! Z3/4.
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Thuja occidentalis 20-60'. Narrow and tall with twiggy branches, soft fibrous orange-brown bark, and distinct flat foliage. Good for screens and hedges. Z2.
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Abies balsamea 45-75'. Native conifers with fragrant boughs used for wreaths. The best Christmas tree! Semi-shade tolerant. Good hedge tree. Z3.
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Pinus strobus 100'+. Magnificent and massive when mature. Smooth bark becomes rough, deeply furrowed with age. Makes a beautiful hedge. Shade tolerant. Z3.
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Picea pungens var. glauca 30-60'. Very popular specimen tree with frosty blue needles. Excellent for privacy screens, as it is fast growing after 3'. Native to western U.S. Z2.
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Picea glauca 60-90' x 10-20'. Native conifer, one of the best trees for wind blocks and privacy screens. Adaptable and tolerant to wind, drought and cold. Z2.
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Allium cernuum12" tall. Starry umbels of loosely clustered lavender-pink and sometimes white blossoms hang downward or “nod” toward the ground,...
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Monarda fistulosa 2-4' tall. Our native wildflower species with aromatic lavender blossoms. This is the variety most commonly used for medicinal purposes. Z3.
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Eupatorium perfoliatum 5-7' tall. Flat-topped clusters of white to lavender flowerheads. Stimulates the immune system. Fetching addition to the perennial border. Z3.
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Echinacea purpurea 3-5' tall. Spiny seedheads are a beautiful coppery yellow-brown, surrounded by a single row of reflexed lavender-purple petals. Tinctured roots boost the immune system. Z3.
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Echinacea paradoxa 3-5' tall. Bright pure-yellow flowers with drooping petals surround spiky dark brown seed cones—irresistible to gobbling goldfinches! Z3.
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Pycnanthemum virginianum 30" tall. Makes a tasty minty tea traditionally used to settle indigestion. Spreads readily. Densely flowered, attracts pollinators. Native. Z4.
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Acorus americanus 24-36" tall. Water-loving bog plant with broad sword-like foliage that smells sweetly of citrus and vanilla when crushed. Roots traditionally used as an aromatic bitter for digestive upsets. Z3.
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Verbena hastata 5-7' tall. Elegant tall branching spikes of vibrant blue-purple flowers. Attracts pollinators. Commonly used as a nervous-system tonic and mild sedative. Full sun. Native to North America. Z3.
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Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 6-10". Low-growing evergreen groundcover. Can spread to 15'. Pinkish-white flowers in spring. Small red berries persist into winter. Self-pollinating. Z2.
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Vaccinium macrocarpon Albino berries with red blush. Selected from a seedling found growing in a bog on an island off the coast of Maine. Lasts up to 6 months in cold storage. Z2.
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Vaccinium macrocarpon 4-10". The cranberry of holiday sauces, bread and jelly. Dense low lustrous evergreen groundcover loaded with large red berries in fall. Z2.
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Gaultheria procumbens 6-10". Aromatic evergreen native groundcover. Glossy dark green leaves. Bell-shaped white flowers in June. Vivid red berries. Self-pollinating. Z3.
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Castanea dentata Up to 100'. Once common in the eastern US. Important food source for people and wildlife. Not immune to blight but likely to thrive 10-30 years. Fast growing and precocious. Z4.
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Corylus americana 12-18' x 10-15'. Multi-stemmed native shrub with sweet nuts. Showy catkins in spring. Patchwork of colors in autumn. Can bear in 3-5 years. Z4.
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Juglans nigra 70-90'. Spectacular shade tree with open rounded crown. Nuts have sweet earthy rich flavor. May begin to bear in 5-10 years. Z4.
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Juglans cinerea 40-60' x same. Very large impressive shade tree with broad open crown. Produces oblong edible nuts. Nice cabinet wood. Native. Z3.
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Asclepias tuberosa Vivid tangerine-orange clusters of flowers in summer atop slender fuzzy stems, covered with green lance-shaped leaves. 24" tall. Z4.
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Baptisia australis 3-4' x same. Vibrant blue lupine-like flowers in early summer. Bushy habit and shrub-like structure once mature. Good for erosion control. Z3.
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Penstemon digitalis 3' tall. Beckon the birds and bees to your garden with these white to light pink spires covered with nodding tubular bell-shaped flowers. Z3.
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Amsonia tabernaemontana var. salicifolia 30" tall. Fine grassy willow-like foliage. Clusters of powder-blue star-shaped florets bloom in early June. Best planted en masse. Adaptable but performs best in full sun to part shade. Z3.
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Aquilegia canadensis 12-24" tall. This eastern North American native features delicate red-spurred sepals with yellow petaled skirts. Blooms late May to early June. Irresistible to hummingbirds! Z3.
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Dryopteris marginalis 24" tall. Strong stems and slightly glossy leathery grey-green fronds make this one of the best ferns for floral arrangements. Evergreen leaves live through winter. Z3.
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Osmunda regalis Soft and wavy deciduous lance-shaped light green fronds can reach 3' long. Very showy. Reaches up to 6' tall and more than 9' wide at maturity. Z2.
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Geranium sanguinium4-9" tall. Cunning bright magenta cups with purple-blue anthers cover tidy deep green lacy foliage. Its compact form works...
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Geranium maculatum 24" tall. Also called Wild Geranium. Clusters of single 1¼" wide pinkish-lilac saucer-shaped flowers. Attracts beneficial insects. Native. Z4.
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Oligoneuron rigidum 2-5' tall. The gorgeous yellow-gold vibrancy of goldenrod packed into a dense, showy, flat-topped cluster. Attractive lush slate-green foliage. Z3.
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Iris versicolor 30-36" tall. Northeastern native species with gorgeous blue-violet flowers with bold purple veining and a white and lemon-yellow blaze. Early. Z2.
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Liatris spicata 30-36" tall. Dreamy white flower wands above fine grass-like foliage. Blooms from July to September. Great for cutflowers. Z3.
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Liatris spicata 20-30" tall. Magenta-purple flower spikes above fine grass-like foliage. Blooms from July to September. Great for cutflowers. Z3.
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Asarum canadense 6–12" tall. Heart-shaped leaves up to 7" wide spread into a beautiful groundcover. Aromatic roots used medicinally. Needs shade. Z3.
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Betula papyrifera 30-70' x 30'. Medium-sized tree with magnificent chalk-white peeling bark. Valuable wood. Bark used for traditional crafts. Z3.
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Betula nigra 60-80' x 40-60' Very large graceful rounded tree with beautiful bark. Foliage yellows before dropping. Fast growing, trouble free. Z4.
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Tilia americana 60-80' x same. Tall stately tree with rounded crown and low-hung spreading branches. Sweetly fragrant yellow June flowers. Z3.
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Acer saccharum 50-100'. Largest of our native maples. Colorful fall foliage. Valued for shade, syrup and lumber. Boil sap to make real maple syrup. Z3.
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Quercus macrocarpa 70-80' x same. Hardiest of the white oaks with a deeply grooved massive trunk and a wide-spreading crown. Dark green foliage. Large fringed acorns. Z3.
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Quercus rubra 60-75' x 45'. The most common oak in northern New England. Magnificent open rounded crown. Fast growing. Tolerant of different conditions. Z4.
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Quercus bicolor 50-60' x same. Massive rounded shade tree with short deeply ridged trunk and fan of branches. Yellow to reddish-purple fall foliage. Native. Z3.
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Liquidambar styraciflua 60-80' x 40-60'. Delightful star-shaped leaves and hard round prickly gumball-like “fruit”. Colorful fall display. Native from CT into Mexico. Z5.
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Liriodendron tulipifera 60-90' x 30-50'. Also called Tulip Poplar. Highly ornamental shade tree. Large tulip-like flowers attract hummingbirds. Native to eastern U.S. Z4/5.
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Nyssa sylvatica 40-85' x 20-30'. Medium-sized deciduous tree produces fruits that feed migrating birds. Vibrant fall colors. Can live up to 650 years! Z4.
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American Black Elderberry -
Small Fruits and Berries
American Black Elderberries
Small Fruits and Berries
Sambucus canadensis 6-12' x same. Each grown from a cold-hardy seed and will be a totally unique plant. Some of our best plants grew from batches of such seedlings. Z3.
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American Black Elderberry -
Small Fruits and Berries
American Black Elderberries
Small Fruits and Berries
Sambucus canadensis 6-12' x same. Fedco intro. Sourced from a wide swath of plants growing in Aroostook County. Robust elderberry with consistently high fruit yields. Z3.
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Gaylussacia baccata 1-3' x 2-4'. Cousin of the blueberry. Less acidic, more mildly sweet flavor. Flowers in June, fruits in August. Full sun to part shade but fruits best in sun. Native to eastern U.S. and Canada. Z3/4.
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Calycanthus floridus 6-10' x 6-12'. Beautiful native shrub with dark burgundy-maroon flowers and shiny leaves. Blooms early, flowers through summer. Highly fragrant. Z4/5.
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Myrica pensylvanica 5-10' x same. A common sight along Maine’s rocky shores. Fragrant glossy deep green leaves and small waxy berries. Fixes nitrogen and feeds wildlife. Z2.
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Cephalanthus occidentalis 6-10' x 8'. Loose rounded branchy shrub with masses of ornamental blooms that appear 4–6 weeks in summer. Attracts pollinators. Z4.
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Aronia arbutifolia 6-8' x 3-4'. Upright multi-stemmed form with dense clusters of small white flowers. Abundant persistent bright red fruit. Brilliant fall foliage. Z3/4.
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Aronia arbutifolia 6-10' x 3-6'. Each one is genetically unique. Beautiful in mass plantings and borders. Plant several in a hedge and make the birds happy! Z3/4.
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Cornus racemosa3-8' × 10-15' Also called Northern Swamp Dogwood. Native multi-stemmed thickly branched suckering shrub with rounded domes of...
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Cornus alternifolia 20' x 30-35'. Small tree or large multi-stemmed shrub with tiers of horizontal branches and fragrant white 2-3" flower clusters. Z3.
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Cornus sericea 8-10'. Multi-stemmed spreading shrub excellent for hedges and borders. Red stems admirable in the winter. Valuable native wildlife plant. Z2.
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Cornus amomum 8-12' x same. Large rounded long-limbed shrub. Effective for erosion control, wildlife or pollinator habitat. Maroon bark visible in winter. Suckers and spreads. Native to eastern U.S. Z4.
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Rubus odoratus3-6' × 6-12' Also called False Raspberry, Ornamental Raspberry or Purple-flowering Raspberry. Relative of the cultivated raspberry,...
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Diervilla lonicera 2-4' x 2-5'. Clusters of yellow tubular flowers attract pollinators. Lustrous green leaves emerge with a hint of bronze. Good for erosion control. Z3.
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Philadelphus lewisii 4-5' x 3-4' Medium-sized loosely arching ornamental blooming shrub. A “blizzard” of sweet citrusy fragrance from white blossoms in late spring. Z3.
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Diospyros virginiana 35-60' x 20-35'. Medium-sized native tree produces edible orange fruit used in pies, jams and jelly. May not always ripen north of Boston. Unsexed seedlings—plant two or more for fruit. Z4/5.
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Amelanchier laevis 15-25'. Leaves of this understory tree unfold purplish-orange bronzed color in spring. Pendulous white blossoms. Berries ripen midsummer. Z2.
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Lindera benzoin 6-12' x 8-12'. Large rounded multi-stemmed fragrant native shrub suited to moist or wet areas. Soft-yellow flowers. Glossy red edible berries. Z5.
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Spiraea tomentosa 2-4' x same. Adorable little plant. Rosy pink steeples emerge as terminal spikes about 4–6" tall. Easy to grow. A must for every butterfly garden. Z3.
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Rhus aromatica 5-6' x 6-8'. Leaves emit a pleasing aroma when crushed. Phenomenal fall colors. Adaptable and easy to transplant. Useful in erosion control. Native to eastern U.S. Z3.
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Clethra alnifolia 4-5' x same. Red buds and beautiful spires of heavenly scented deep-pink flowers appear for 6 weeks in midsummer. Erect oval habit. Native. Z3.
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Viburnum opulus var. americanum8–12' × same. Formerly known as V. trilobum. Also known as Crampbark. Medicinal multi-stemmed native shrub. ...
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Viburnum lentago 15-20' x 10-12'. Large shrub with edible blue-black berries. Large clusters of fragrant creamy white flowers. Plant multiples for good pollination. Z2.
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Hamamelis virginiana 8-20' x same. Small fall-flowering tree or large shrub. Brilliant golden-yellow fall color. Quirky yellow flowers in early to mid November. Z3.
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