You are viewing all Fedco Bulbs products related to “Narcissus.”

ships in fall
Early Doubles Collection

sale! was $36.00
Fedco exclusive! A gorgeous selection of popular early-blooming Narcissus with elaborate ruffles. read more


ships in fall
Early Fragrant Collection

sale! was $36.00
Fedco exclusive! An assortment of highly fragrant early-season Narcissus. 10 bulbs each of Bridal Crown, Flower Record and Geranium. read more


ships in fall
Late Doubles Collection

sale! was $36.00
Fedco exclusive! Much like the Early Doubles Collection, but selected to bloom later in the season. Bring on the ruffled edges! read more


ships in fall
Late Fragrant Collection

sale! was $36.00
Fedco exclusive! An assortment of highly fragrant later-season Narcissus. 10 bulbs each of Sir Winston Churchill, White Lion and Yazz. read more


ships in fall
Mellow Yellows Collection

sale! was $36.00
Fedco exclusive! A jolly trio, all with bright white petals, and each with a different variation on the yellow cup. read more


ships in fall
Peach Fuzz Collection

sale! was $36.00
Fedco exclusive! A selection of three varieties with soft peachy cups. 10 bulbs each of British Gamble, Cosmopolitan and Salome. read more


ships in fall
Cyclamineus Narcissus

Narcissus cyclamineus Long bright-orange ribbed cup with reflexed golden-yellow petals. Lightly scented, good for forcing, tolerates shade. read more


ships in fall
‘Art Design’
Double Narcissus

A firm favorite for bouquets due to its buttery colors, gorgeous scent and unusual form. read more


ships in fall
‘Bridal Crown’
Double Narcissus

One of the earliest-blooming Doubles. Refined white petals surround a frilly yellow cup with orange segments. Intoxicatingly fragrant read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus

Unusual 4" double blooms with rounded creamy white petals surrounding a center swirl with short ruffled apricot segments. Star-shaped pointed... read more


ships in fall
‘Ice King’
Double Narcissus

White petals surround a pleated pale yellow collar filled with a burst of lemony yellow center petals. A real show-off in the garden and perfect for spring bouquets. read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus

One of the finest of the doubles. Fragrant, showy 3-4" flowers open creamy with yellow highlights maturing to pure white. read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus

Bright white 4" flower with a frilly deep coral-pink center interlaced with slender white “flyer” petals. read more


ships in fall
‘Sir Winston Churchill’
Double Narcissus

Double flowers 3" across are full of creamy white petals interspersed with orange flecks. Fragrant blossoms come 3-5 per stem. Long-lasting in garden or vase. read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus

Rich golden-yellow doubled flowers layered with red-orange segments. Large long-lasting blooms with stand-out color and fragrance. read more


ships in fall
‘White Lion’
Double Narcissus

Big fluffy blooms with outer ivory white petals that surround pale yellow center ruffles. Strong and reliable. Scent is similar to gardenias. read more


ships in fall
‘Yellow Cheerfulness’
Double Narcissus

Soft yellow rounded overlapping petals, with a loose ball of corona petals with subtle flecks of soft orange. Sublime scent. read more


ships in fall
Jonquilla Narcissus

Narcissus jonquilla White petals surround a long ribbed pastel-peach cup with a pale yellow throat. This 2016 Dutch intro has taken the gardening... read more


ships in fall
Jonquilla Narcissus

Narcissus jonquilla Exquisite 3" star-shaped flower has white petals encircling a pale yellow cup. This long-flowering jonquilla produces 1–3... read more


ships in fall
‘Sun Disc’
Jonquilla Narcissus

Narcissus jonquilla Award-winning fragrant miniature just right for pots or the front of the border. Wide disc-shaped buttercup-yellow cup is lightly ribbed, lightly frilled. read more


ships in fall
Jonquilla Narcissus

Narcissus jonquilla Creamy white outer petals surround a yellow ruffled cup with peach-pink edges. Sprays of fragrant flowers are borne on tall... read more


ships in fall
Large-Cup Narcissus

Classic 1960s American intro features a 4" upward-facing flower with crisp white petals and a soft coral cup. It holds up well in sunlight, but... read more


ships in fall
Large-Cup Narcissus

Yellow petals back a deeper golden-yellow cup nearly long enough to be a Trumpet. Multiplies rapidly. Light vanilla fragrance. Said to be the world’s most planted narcissus. read more


ships in fall
‘Flower Record’
Large-Cup Narcissus

Showy lightly fragrant flowers with a great contrast between pure white petals and the slightly ruffled yellow cup with a glowing red-orange rim.... read more


ships in fall
Large-Cup Narcissus

Slightly star-shaped 3½" bloom with white petals and a large peach cup with a gold rim. The cup opens yellow, but will turn peachy-pink in a day... read more


ships in fall
All-Spring Mix

For big plantings where you want an extended bloom time, go with this superb mix of early, midseason and late varieties. read more


ships in fall
Amsterdam Mix

Brighten up your spring landscape with this balanced mix of yellows from several Narcissus classes. read more


ships in fall
Holland Mix

An elegant mix of white Narcissus that brings a level of sophistication to flower arrangements and landscapes. read more


ships in fall
Large-Flowering Mix

A favorite of landscape professionals for mass plantings. Includes multiple classes of long-stemmed Narcissus in a wide range of colors. read more


ships in fall
Miniatures Mix

An assortment of miniature Narcissus. Great for low-borders, containers, rock gardens, or throughout your lawn! read more


ships in fall
Rotterdam Mix

A soft blend of Narcissus, with cups in shades of coral, salmon, apricot and peach. read more


ships in fall
Paperwhite - Narcissus

Narcissus tazetta Creamy white petals with a highly doubled center flecked with yellow. read more


ships in fall
Paperwhite - Narcissus

Narcissus tazetta Abundant white flowers bloom early with strong musky spicy fragrance. read more


ships in fall
Poeticus Narcissus

Narcissus poeticus Glistening white petals surround a small red-rimmed yellow cup. Vigorous heirloom variety performs best in cool climates and tolerates damp. read more


ships in fall
Small-Cup Narcissus

Eye-catching red-orange shallow cup and unusual amber-tinted petals. Opens dark and gradually lightens. read more


ships in fall
Small-Cup Narcissus

Multi-flowered, each stem loaded with clusters of ivory white petals that surround slightly ribbed and bowl-shaped bright yellow-orange cups.... read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Whirl’
Split-Cup Narcissus

Large fragrant blooms up to 4" across, with luminous white petals surrounding a ruffled split cup with richly colored and layered petals. Despite... read more


ships in fall
‘Cum Laude’
Split-Cup Narcissus

Creamy white petals surround a peach and yellow cup with ruffled peach edges. Flowers are long-lasting and have an unusual orchid-like shape.... read more


ships in fall
‘Lemon Beauty’
Split-Cup Narcissus

Award-winning 4" flower featuring white petals set off by a split cup adorned with a bright yellow star on a white background. Big, showy and... read more


ships in fall
‘Love Call’
Split-Cup Narcissus

As eye-catching from afar as it is up close. White petals contrast perfectly with the vibrant ruffled yellow-orange cup. Pairs with trumpet and... read more


ships in fall
Split-Cup Narcissus

Lavish 4" blooms with bright white petals surrounding a split cup of yellows and oranges that appear painted on with the finest watercolors.... read more


ships in fall
Tazetta Narcissus

Narcissus tazetta An award-winning heirloom daffodil also known as Seventeen Sisters for its sheer abundance of blooms. Each 1" flower has white... read more


ships in fall
Tazetta Narcissus

Narcissus tazetta Hardy outdoor Tazetta has carrot-orange short cups surrounded by bright yellow petals. Multiple highly fragrant blossoms per stem. read more


ships in fall
Tazetta Narcissus

Narcissus tazetta Diminutive lemon-yellow and white Tazetta with light sweet fragrance. Tolerates shade. read more


ships in fall
Triandrus Narcissus

Narcissus triandrus Lightly fragrant flowers are milky white throughout; one of the few white narcissus to open with no yellow tones. read more


ships in fall
‘British Gamble’
Trumpet Narcissus

Large 4–5" bloom with a star of crisp white petals around an oversized ruffled peach trumpet. Fragrant, with strong stems; perfect for wedding... read more


ships in fall
‘Dutch Master’
Trumpet Narcissus

long-blooming 1938 introduction has large yellow petals and a straight yellow cup with a flared and notched rim. read more


ships in fall
‘Mt. Hood’
Trumpet Narcissus

One of the finest white daffodils, this 1938 classic opens marble white to slightly pale yellow, and turns to pure white in a day or two. read more
