Music Hardneck Porcelain Garlic - Organic


Music Hardneck Porcelain Garlic - Organic

Allium sativum Similar to German Extra Hardy, with large succulent cloves. Al Music brought this Porcelain type from Italy to Ontario in the 1980s, where it became known as a very good cold-climate variety. Bakes up wonderfully.

25–35 cloves per pound. Z3-8. Maine Grown.

ships in fall
OGThis item is certified organic

6231 Music - Organic

A: 0.5 lb
sale! was $16.50
B: 2 lb
sale! was $58.00
C: 10 lb
sale! was $250.00
D: 25 lb
sale! was $515.00

Additional Information

Porcelain Garlic

This hardneck type produces 3–6 very large cloves with tight porcelain-white skins. Excellent storage. Huge cloves are wonderful in the kitchen, and perfect for production pesto-making or baking whole.

Scapes form arches, curls and loose coils, and develop hundreds of tiny grain-sized bulbils. Slower to propagation than other hardnecks. 20–35 cloves per pound.

Seed Garlic

The bulb size, the skin color, the flavor, and the size and number of cloves are partly determined by genetics, and partly by soil and weather. Our size standard for a seed garlic bulb is 2" diameter, but we reserve the right to ship smaller garlic in difficult crop years. Fedco requires every lot of garlic to test negative for both garlic bloat nematode and white rot.

All our garlic is hardy Zones 3-8. See the USDA Hardiness Zone map for more information.

Hardneck Garlic

Hardneck garlic has a hard stalk in the center of the bulb, and (the vast majority of the time) only one ring of cloves. Plant grows an edible scape, a tall leafless stalk with a flower-like top. Not braidable, but can be tied in attractive bundles and hung.

Cut off the scape before it uncurls to get the best bulb size. Not easy on a commercial scale, but on a smaller scale it’s not much work, plus fresh tops are great in salads, stir-fries, pickles, pesto! If you leave the tops on, the below-ground bulb will likely be smaller, but you’ll get a membrane full of bulbils, which you can plant if so inspired.

Hardnecks are closer to wild garlic, and have a greater range of character and more complex flavor than softneck. Hardnecks are much hardier, thus recommended for cold climates.

Softneck garlic (which we’ve offered in the past) produces multiple rings of cloves and a soft braidable top. Softneck types have mostly lost the ability to produce a stalk with flowering parts—but sometimes they bolt and produce extra “cloves” in the stem. Growers like softneck varieties for their extra-long shelf life in cold storage.