Helianthus tuberosus A white-fleshed, cream-skinned variety. Crisp and tasty tubers are somewhat knobby.
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50 plants each of differently colored onion plants. If you want an assortment of long-day varieties but don’t have space for a hundred of each, try this package deal.
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Allium A fragrant mix of three short alliums. Great in rock gardens, borders, or under shrubs and trees.
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Helianthus tuberosus Produces a considerable yield of sizable blunt-ended tubers. Relatively knob-free shape is popular with cooks!
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Open-pollinated. Long day. These large onions are renowned for their mild flavor, and have been in commerce since around 1900.
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F-1 hybrid. Long day. Large white globes lack the sharpness of other varieties. Delicious raw in sandwiches, salads and guacamole
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Allium A half dozen or more kinds of medium to medium-tall alliums in violet, purple, blue and white. 16–33" tall.
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F-1 hybrid. Short day. This is the variety that growers in Vidalia, GA, use to grow their world-famous sweet onions. Not suitable for northern growers. Will store for a couple months if well-cured.
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Open-pollinated. Long to intermediate day. A wonderful variety that makes large globe-shaped uniformly sweet bulbs. Great fresh, but will store up to 4 months with proper curing.
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Allium sativum Highly productive and form exceptionally large bulbs if conditions are favorable. Excellent for baking, though the flavor and depth...
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Allium sativum Highly productive in both northerly and more southerly climates. With an average of 7 cloves per bulb and a storage time of ~8 months.
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Allium sativum An heirloom variety with creamy cooked texture and robust well-rounded flavor. Long storage potential.
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Allium sativum A Porcelain type with large cloves and medium bite. Stores well into winter.
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Allium sativum A Porcelain type with large cloves and medium bite. Stores well into winter.
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Allium sativum A pungent and fiery Porcelain type loved by garlic aficionados. Sizable bulbs with blushed inner skins store well.
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Allium sativum A pungent and fiery Porcelain type loved by garlic aficionados. Sizable bulbs with blushed inner skins store well.
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Allium sativum Big Porcelain bulbs typically yield four huge cloves. White outer skin, rusty reddish-tan clove skins. Hardy plants, hearty flavor, excellent storage.
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Allium sativum Big Porcelain bulbs typically yield four huge cloves. White outer skin, rusty reddish-tan clove skins. Hardy plants, hearty flavor, excellent storage.
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Allium sativum A very good cold-climate variety with large succulent cloves. Bakes up wonderfully.
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Allium sativum A very good cold-climate variety with large succulent cloves. Bakes up wonderfully.
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Allium sativum Said to be a medieval strain of garlic brought to North America in the 1700s. Stores well for up to 6 months, longer with good storage.
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Allium sativum Milder flavor than Russian Red. An excellent keeper—we’ve had reports of bulbs keeping for more than a year in ideal storage!
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Allium sativum Delicious garlic flavor with no bitter aftertaste. Burgundy skin. Keeps well for more than six months
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Allium sativum Delicious garlic flavor with no bitter aftertaste. Burgundy skin. Keeps well for more than six months.
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Allium oreophilum Bright rosy-pink florets change to white with rose midribs over time for a pale pink apple-blossom effect. 10–12" tall.
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Allium moly Flowering onion with bright yellow 2-3" upright umbels, naturalizes easily in sunny borders, rock gardens, and light woods. 6–8" tall.
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Allium hollandicum Deep violet-purple 3–4" orbs on sturdy stems. Wonderful as a cutflower. 24–36" tall.
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Allium amplectens Elegant 2" white puffs with lavender stamens, sometimes with hints of pale pink and lilac. 14–18" tall.
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Allium sphaerocephalon Long lasting blooms have a haunting color with hints of maroon, burgundy, or violet-red. 20–30" tall.
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Allium siculum This rugged beauty bears bears cream-colored florets painted with purple-maroon. 24–36" tall.
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Allium christophii Large 8–12" violet flowers look like fireworks. Seedheads dry beautifully. 18–24" tall.
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Open-pollinated. Long day. Bright crystal white orbs good for bunching onions, or uniform round slicers. Very sweet, great for fresh eating.
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Open-pollinated. Long day. Red Baron yields bulbs in the 3" range that store decently and show off a stunning maroon skin. Our best fresh-eating onion for sandwiches and salads.
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These firm semi-flat bulbs will store until June if cured properly. Try them in creamy onion dip, sliced, or as onion rings.
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F-1 hybrid. Long day. Large to jumbo yellow globes are the absolute best for caramelizing and mild enough for fresh eating.
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F-1 hybrid. Long-day traditional bunching shallot. Copper skin covering 2" globes of sweet fragrant melting shallot goodness.
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Open-pollinated. Long-day. A standout variety prized for French cuisine. Tall narrow uniform 1½–2" thick bulbs with white flesh and copper-skin keep well.
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Allium One of the tallest, longest blooming and latest blooming of the statuesque Alliums, with tightly compacted globes of rich purple starry florets.
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Allium christophii x A. macleanii Hundreds of deep lilac florets form a dense 6–8" ball. Makes a remarkable dried flower for winter arrangements. 30–40" tall.
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Allium stipitatum Like a giant 6" snowball on a stake. Sturdy stems and long-lasting blooms—one of the best all-white alliums. 36–48" tall.
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Allium Dense globes of tiny purple and white florets that meld to appear frosty lilac. Stems mature to purple and grow an astounding 5 feet or taller!
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Allium giganteum Densely packed head of violet-purple florets atop a 3½–4' sturdy flower stalk. A spectacular cutflower.
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Allium rosenbachianum Big ebullient dark-violet flowerheads comprised of up to 50 starry florets with delicate white stamens. 24–36" tall.
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