Barley - Organic


Barley - Organic

Hordeum vulgare Annual spring grain. Up to 3' high. Variety: Robust. Moderately frost-hardy. Tolerates drought and alkaline or heavy soils. Does not tolerate wet or acidic soils. May be planted later than other spring-sown small grains and maintain good yields. Seed from early May to mid-June at 100-125# per acre, 3# per 1000 sq ft.

As food grain: Suitable for malting—a local home brewer told us “when brewed with Cascade hops from Fedco Trees, it made excellent ale.” Requires commercial dehulling to use as a cooking grain or flour.

As feed grain: More reliable in Maine’s climate than corn or wheat, with nearly as much feed value, and better feed value than oats.

ships year-round
OGThis item is certified organic

8007 Barley - Organic

B: 2.0 lb
currently on backorder
C: 10.0 lb
currently on backorder
E: 48.0 lb
currently on backorder

Additional Information

Farm Seed

Click here for more info on uses of farm seed.

Organic Seed

We are a MOFGA-certified organic repacker and handler of seed and feed.

None of our seed is treated with fungicides.

Organically grown seed is labeled OG.

Click here for more info on organic certification.