Coir Blocks


Coir Blocks

This premium washed low-EC coconut coir is a biodegradable and environmentally sound substitute for peat moss. Compressed blocks of coconut fibers (coir) swell to eight or nine times their original size when placed in hot water. The fibers are quite short but have excellent moisture-retention capacity. pH 5.0-7.0, electrical conductivity of less than 0.5 S/m.

Use in potting mixes or to add organic matter to your soil. Improves aeration and nutrient retention. Easy to store and ship. Coir has been commended by the Wildlife Conservation Society as ecologically sustainable. Each block expands to approximately 2½ cubic feet once hydrated.

To hydrate, set up a large container with 6–8 gal of water. Allow the block to soak for about twenty hours, or until it’s wet through and breaks apart.

ships year-round

8380 Coir Blocks

A:  one block
currently on backorder
B:  pallet ~220 blocks
currently on backorder

Additional Information

Organic Certification

Inoculants, soil amendments, fertilizers, livestock supplies and pesticides are labeled as:
OMRI: Organic Materials Review Institute. Most state certifying agencies, including MOFGA, accept OMRI approval.
MOFGA: Reviewed and approved by the Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association Certification Services. Allowed for use on MOFGA-certified farms. Check with your certifier.
WSDA: Listed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Organic Certification division for use in organic agriculture in Washington State. MOFGA has indicated that they will accept products on this list for their certification program. Check with your certifier.
Nat’l List: One-ingredient products on the NOP* List of Allowed Substances (subpart G of the Organic Foods Production Act, sections 205.601-606). Check with your certifier.
AYC: Ask your certifier. Has not been reviewed by a certifier, but the active ingredient is allowed. Ask your certifier.
Not Allowed: A few of the products we list are not allowed for organic production but we think they have a place in sensible agriculture and can be used when certification is not an issue.