Fescue, Tall - Organic


Fescue, Tall - Organic

Lolium arundinaceum Perennial grass. Up to 48". Long-lived, versatile, low-maintenance grass. Thanks to its deep and extensive root system it will tolerate most adverse conditions (including heat, drought, and shade) and provides good protection against erosion. Seed at 15–20#/acre, or 10# with 8–12# of alfalfa or red clover or 5# of white clover per acre. ½# per 1000 sq ft.

As perennial pasture: Provides large amounts of palatable biomass in spring and fall. Older varieties and varieties produced specifically for turf are inoculated with endophytes, symbiotic fungi that improve growth and drought tolerance but can be toxic to livestock. We only stock endophyte-free fescue seed that is safe for use as animal feed.

As perennial hay: High production potential. Matures later than timothy so it can be easier to harvest on time during a wet summer. Coarser than orchard grass.

As lawn: Tough root system resists drought and heavy traffic. Does not tolerate low mowing.

ships year-round
OGThis item is certified organic

8154 Fescue, Tall - Organic

B: 2.0 lb
currently on backorder
C: 10.0 lb
currently on backorder
E: 44.0 lb
currently on backorder

Additional Information

Farm Seed

Click here for more info on uses of farm seed.

Organic Seed

We are a MOFGA-certified organic repacker and handler of seed and feed.

None of our seed is treated with fungicides.

Organically grown seed is labeled OG.

Click here for more info on organic certification.