As annual or perennial forage: well-managed stands may persist 5 years or longer, but also valuable in annual stands for pasture or green chop. Very high digestibility and protein levels up to 50% higher than alfalfa. Digestibility is reduced if plants are allowed to bolt, but the flowers are very attractive! Research shows reduced parasite loads in animals fed or pastured on chicory. If large amounts are fed to dairy animals the milk may taste bitter.
Chicory is established best by drilling ½" deep or broadcasting, then cultipacking, into a well-prepared seedbed; it may also be no-till drilled or frost-seeded on established pastures early in the season. Begin grazing when the plant is 8–10" high, and graze down to 1–2". Seed at 10#/acre alone, or 3#/ acre in mixes, ¼#/1000 sq ft. ②Forage Chicory
Forage Chicory
ships year-round