Put invasive plants to good use! Regalia’s active ingredient is extract of giant knotweed, an aggressive plant invader in many countries around the world. Sprayed on your crops, it induces systemic resistance, stimulating biochemical pathways that strengthen the plant structure to fight pathogenic fungi. Reapply every 7–14 days to protect new growth.
May also be applied as a soil drench or through drip irrigation to improve root quality and protect against soil-borne pathogens. Labeled for a broad range of fungal diseases in most edible crops. Definitely worth a try to prevent late blight in your potatoes!
Various university trials have shown Regalia to be effective for downy and powdery mildew in cucurbits; bacterial spot, septoria leaf spot and powdery mildew in field tomatoes; mummy berry in blueberries; and powdery mildew and Botrytis bunch rot in grapes. Cannabis growers use it as a drench administered with liquid nutrients to prevent fungal problems, which is probably a good idea since you really don’t want to be smoking copper-based fungicides. Safe for bees. Please see pesticide label here. EPA reg. 84059-3.
As a pre-plant dip for improved plant health and suppression of certain soil-borne diseases: 1–2 qts per 100 gallons of water (submerge roots or plugs ensuring full coverage, then remove) prior to transplanting.
As foliar spray: 2–4 qts per 100 gallons of water.
As soil drench: 1–2 qts per 100 gallons of water, and at a sufficient rate to thoroughly soak the growing media and root zone.
In-furrow spraying: 1–2 qts per acre (detailed instructions on product label).
Drip irrigation: 1–4 qts per acre (detailed instructions on product label).
ships year-round
Regalia® Biofungicide
Additional Information
Plant Protection and Last Resorts
These products come with detailed instructions on their labels. Contact us in case you don’t receive the attached booklet or if the label is illegible.
While we try to stay current with product specifications, product formulations are subject to change without notice.
Use our Sprayers to apply these products. We welcome your suggestions about successful low-impact pest-control methods or products.
Is that pesticide registered in your state?
Each state treats potentially dangerous items differently. Like alcohol and open-carry laws, pesticide registrations are different everywhere. We cannot ship a pesticide to a state where it is not registered.
Before buying or using any pest- or disease-control product, be sure it is registered for use in your state and, if you are a commercial grower, registered for commercial production.
Purdue University has a searchable database of information for most states. You can look up products by name, registration number or active ingredient. Contact information is provided for states that don’t participate in the website.
Click here for a chart summarizing the safety of these pesticides for pollinators.
USDA NOP rule concerning disease and pest control Caution certified-organic growers:
Before using any of these products for pest or disease control, you must have followed the National Organic Program rule 205.206(e). A product being labeled here as allowed is not sufficient to meet standards for organic certification.
Click here for more information and the complete text of the rule.
Organic Certification
Inoculants, soil amendments, fertilizers, livestock supplies and pesticides are labeled as: OMRI: Organic Materials Review Institute. Most state certifying agencies, including MOFGA, accept OMRI approval. MOFGA: Reviewed and approved by the Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association Certification Services. Allowed for use on MOFGA-certified farms. Check with your certifier. WSDA: Listed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Organic Certification division for use in organic agriculture in Washington State. MOFGA has indicated that they will accept products on this list for their certification program. Check with your certifier. Nat’l List: One-ingredient products on the NOP* List of Allowed Substances (subpart G of the Organic Foods Production Act, sections 205.601-606). Check with your certifier. AYC: Ask your certifier. Has not been reviewed by a certifier, but the active ingredient is allowed. Ask your certifier. Not Allowed: A few of the products we list are not allowed for organic production but we think they have a place in sensible agriculture and can be used when certification is not an issue.