Winter Camelina


Winter Camelina

Camelina sativa Winter annual brassica. Up to 3' high. Very hardy: seed can germinate at soil temperatures as low as 34°, and the plants overwinter as well as rye. Also called Gold-of-Pleasure and we are very pleased indeed to offer this widely adaptable and versatile cover crop and oilseed plant.

Native from Finland to Romania and east to the Ural mountains. Young plants grow in a rosette form, similar to mache; as plants mature, they stretch into fibrous stalks with branching golden inflorescences like mustard.

Tolerates low fertility and drought, and not very susceptible to pests or disease. Does not like wet feet. Plant when you would plant winter rye, around first fall frost. Late-planted camelina can germinate in spring instead of fall and still produce a crop. Small seeds and delicate seedlings: can be difficult to establish. Seed no more than ½" deep at 5–10#/acre, ¼# per 1000 sq ft.

8020 Winter Camelina
Item Discounted
A: 0.5 lb $8.00 Free Shipping
B: 2.0 lb $21.00
C: 10.0 lb $92.00
E: 50.0 lb $314.50

Additional Information

Farm Seed

Click here for more info on uses of farm seed.

Organic Seed

We are a MOFGA-certified organic repacker and handler of seed and feed.

None of our seed is treated with fungicides.

Organically grown seed is labeled OG.

Click here for more info on organic certification.