Winter Triticale - Organic


Winter Triticale - Organic

Triticosecale var. ‘FORAGE FX 1001’. Annual grain. Triticale is a hybrid of wheat and rye. We were turned on to winter-hardy triticale by Seth Kroeck of Crystal Spring Farm in Brunswick, ME. As Seth pointed out, compared to winter rye, triticale boasts numerous advantages:
  • Shorter plants than rye, making it easier to mow or crimp to terminate (rye can be hard to kill!)
  • Earlier flower than rye (by about 2 weeks), so earlier termination and earlier transition to the next crop.
  • Less allelopathic effect than rye, so quicker turnaround to a cash crop.
  • More leafiness than rye; triticale better outcompetes weeds.

Like winter rye, triticale is excellent at scavenging nutrients and preventing erosion. Great at tolerating drought and low fertility; good at fighting compaction. Developed by Montana State University, FORAGE FX 1001 is a 97% awnless (forage-friendly) variety selected for winter hardiness and consistently high yields of both forage and seed yields. Performed well in the harsh northern climates of MT, ND, and WY, so you know it’s tough! Minimum germination soil temp is 38°. Sow 2 weeks before to 2 weeks after first frost. Seed at 100–200#/acre, or 3–5#/1000 sq ft. NEW!

If this variety becomes unavailable, we will substitute with another triticale.

ships year-round
OGThis item is certified organic

8108 Winter Triticale - Organic

B: 2.0 lb
C: 10.0 lb
E: 50.0 lb

Additional Information

Farm Seed

Click here for more info on uses of farm seed.

Organic Seed

We are a MOFGA-certified organic repacker and handler of seed and feed.

None of our seed is treated with fungicides.

Organically grown seed is labeled OG.

Click here for more info on organic certification.