Cardboard Seed Rack


Cardboard Seed Rack

Portable cardboard packet display racks suitable for all our A-size packets. Single 28-slot cardboard rack is 14" deep, 20" wide, 62" high. Double 56-slot cardboard rack is 14" deep, 30" wide, 64" high.

Please note: Empty seed racks only available to customers who also purchase one of our retail seed rack collections.

ships winter–spring

5955 Cardboard Seed Rack

This item is currently unavailable.
Would you like us to e-mail you when it's back in stock?
A: single
not available yet, check back later
B: double
not available yet, check back later

Additional Information

Fedco’s Retail Seed Rack Program

  • Each collection has 28 or 56 varieties and either 5 or 10 packets of each variety.
  • Cardboard racks and seed collections are sold separately. Dimensions for the 28-slot rack are 14" deep, 20" wide, 62" high. For the 56-slot rack, 14 x 30 x 64".
  • Contact prior to placing an order with up to date tax exempt information or to set up a purchase order.
  • Pre order, pre pay, no returns.
  • Rack orders qualify for all regular volume discounts, as do re-orders of $50 and over.
  • Redesigned seed packets with black-and-white graphics and planting instructions. See product description for samples.
  • Free shipping.
  • All re-orders will be advanced to the front of the line for fast service.
  • We will choose substitutions if we run out of any items in the collections.
  • Re-order requests will be honored until June 1.
  • Please remove packets by July 31 to avoid selling stale seed.
  • No suggested retail. See PDF variety sheet linked in product listing for cost per packet information. Determine the profit margin you need.
  • Questions? email

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.