Naga Negi Scallion


Naga Negi Scallion

Allium fistulosum
(60 days) F-1 hybrid. In Japanese negi refers to green onions, a common ingredient in Japanese cooking. While there are several types of negi, this variety is characterized by long non-bulbing bright white shanks, dark green tops, deep roots and strong flavor. They keep for an impressively long time after harvest. For bunching, transplant (or direct-seed and thin to) 6" apart in rows 24" apart—for longer shanks, transplant 6" deep or hill soil around young plants. You could also grow them like scallions by planting closer or in clusters. NEW!
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2435 Naga Negi

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Additional Information


Direct-seed in spring or fall. For a steady market crop, seed every two weeks all season. Overwintered clumps can be divided and replanted the following spring.


Culture: Start allium seeds indoors in February or March. Minimum germination soil temperature 45°; optimal range 60-70 °. We discourage using bottom heat because alliums germinate poorly in soil temps above 70°. Transplant in spring soon after the ground can be worked.

Alliums are heavy feeders and want generous amounts of organic matter, fertilizer and water. Late transplanting and poor fertility can result in small onions or failure to form bulbs. Alliums are notoriously intolerant of weeds. Slugs love to munch them, and in areas above 40° latitude, root maggots may be a problem.

About allium seed: Allium seed is short-lived. We do not hold over hybrid onion seed because of precipitous decreases in germination. Test 1-year-old seed before using. Discard anything older.

DM Downy Mildew
PR Pink Root

ALERT: Leek Moth is emerging as a serious pest potentially affecting all Alliums in the Northeast. Consult your local Cooperative Extension for more info.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.