Red Callaloo Specialty Greens


Red Callaloo Specialty Greens

Amaranthus tricolor
(120 days) Open-pollinated. Callaloo is a Caribbean stew that has many local variations, and is the name of the greens and the variety of amaranth used in the dish, which also varies from island to island. This type is used in Jamaica, in the namesake dish as well as in many others. The tricolor blaze on the tall upright Callaloo in August, more red than Hopi Red Dye, will wow even the most reluctant amaranth-green eaters. Double Wow! Even eaten raw straight from the field, we found it soft smooth easy eating. Cooked with some tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic in a version of the stew it was tender and delicious. Cutting back the stalks for early leaf harvest only makes the plant bushier. Grow it as an ornamental and then eat it. Prefers warm conditions. Black Benefit Sharing.
ships year-round

4301 Red Callaloo

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Additional Information


Amaranth was one of the Aztecs’ five principal crops. They ground puffed seeds into flour and prepared sauces with the leaves. The leaves have three times more vitamin C, ten times more carotene, fifteen times more iron and forty times more calcium than tomatoes, and three times more vitamin C, calcium and niacin than spinach leaves.

See also ornamental amaranths.


Our grains selections are rare heirloom varieties especially chosen for small-scale production. Revived interest in food security and sovereignty inspires us to seek edible and heirloom grains. In the early 1800s Maine was the breadbasket of the U.S. Wheat and rice do not demand huge space and can be threshed with a little ingenuity. With good fertility, proper spacing and reasonable diligence, it is quite possible to harvest 10 lb of heirloom wheat from 100 plants in a 10x10' plot. A 100' row of rice can yield 6–10 lb.

Larger-scale growers and farmers, those seeking larger quantities of more mainstream varieties, or those looking for cover crops should check out the Organic Growers Supply list of Farm Seed.

Most of of our grains are also decorative in both form and color, making great accents to bouquets and wreaths. For more ornamental grains, see amaranths, ornamental millets and sorghum & broom corn.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.