Shell Pea

Pisum sativum (75 days) Open-pollinated. 5-6' vines, needs strong staking and frequent picking. 7 peas per pod. read more


Emerald Archer - Organic
Shell Pea

Pisum sativum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Tender tendrils. Afila-type pea, 10 peas per pod. Upright habit makes easy picking; grows to 36-42". read more


Green Arrow - Organic
Shell Pea

Pisum sativum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Standard mid-season variety, preferred by commercial growers for heavy yields and extreme weather tolerance. 3' vines. read more


Green Arrow Pea
Shell Pea

Pisum sativum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Standard mid-season variety, preferred by commercial growers for heavy yields and extreme weather tolerance. 3' vines. read more


Shell Pea

Pisum sativum (70 days) Open-pollinated. 3' vines. 3-3.5" slender curved pods. 6-8 peas per pod. Heirloom is easy to shell. read more


Miragreen - Organic
Shell Pea

not available yet, check back later
Pisum sativum
(68 days) The darkest-green pods we’ve ever seen, Miragreen’s rich color is matched only by the flavor of the peas themselves. As a... read more


Perfection 326
Shell Pea

Pisum sativum (66 days) Open-pollinated. Vigorous vines produce 7-8 sweet and meaty peas per pod. Holds color and texture well. read more


Strike Pea
Shell Pea

Pisum sativum (52 days) Open-pollinated. Early shell pea averages 6 dark green peas in 2¾" pods. 2' vines. read more


Shell Pea

Pisum sativum (56 days) Open-pollinated. 22-23" vines producing 3½" dark blunt pods. Production concentrated over about a week. read more
