Capsicum annuum (90 days) Open-pollinated. Rich reddish-brown 3½x3½" blocky thick-walled pepper. Meaty, sweet, delicious and flavorful even when green.
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Capsicum annuum (90 days) Open-pollinated. Orange sweet bell pepper. Thick-walled, blocky 3½" fruits. Easy to harvest. Good foliage cover on 4' plants helps to prevent sunscald.
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Capsicum annuum (75 days) F-1 hybrid. Goldenrod-yellow 4-6" blocky bell. Thick-walled, crisp and juicy. Great fresh eating or stuffed.
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Capsicum annuum (66 days) F-1 hybrid. Blocky bright orange bell with fruity flavor. Thick-walled crunchy squat bells.
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Capsicum annuum (72 days) F-1 hybrid. Glossy yellow blocky 4" 4-lobed bell. Nice, sweet and crisp. Generous leaf canopy.
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Capsicum annuum (70 days) Open-pollinated. Blocky red bell. Great for northern market growers.
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Capsicum annuum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Prolific yields of long tapering 2"red sweet peppers on short stocky plants. Great for cold-climate growers.
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Capsicum annuum
(65 days) Open-pollinated. An exciting early red bell pepper bred by Molly Jahn and George Moriarty with King of the North and... read more
(65 days) Open-pollinated. An exciting early red bell pepper bred by Molly Jahn and George Moriarty with King of the North and... read more
Capsicum annuum (74 days) Open-pollinated. Blocky 3x3" bells ripen from purple to green to deep red. At purple stage they sell at a premium. Early and prolific.
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Capsicum annuum (72 days) F-1 hybrid. Red stout blocky 12-14 oz bell. Thick-walled, juicy, delicious and hefty. Superb yields.
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Capsicum annuum
(74 days) Open-pollinated. This large blocky market-type pepper produces good-sized glossy dark green 3–4 lobed peppers on tall... read more
(74 days) Open-pollinated. This large blocky market-type pepper produces good-sized glossy dark green 3–4 lobed peppers on tall... read more
Capsicum annuum (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Red thin-walled bell peppers, not consistently blocky. Easy to grow. Consistently early. Good for home gardens.
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