Zowie!™ Yellow Flame Zinnia


Zowie!™ Yellow Flame Zinnia

Zinnia elegans
(85 days) Annual. Nothing is staid about this 2006 AAS winner. Color pops right out of 3–4" semi-double blooms with glowing magenta centers and rose petals dipped in yellow at the tips. At 2–3' the well-branched plants are loaded with flowers of remarkable staying power. Whatever our climate dishes out, whether cold rain, drought or steamy heat, the blooms stay clean and last long. Superb for bouquets too, with a vase life of up to 2 weeks. One of the easiest flowers to grow from seed and a favorite for bright color in Maine summers. About 76 seeds/g.

We have decided to stop carrying varieties sold by Syngenta Group or its subsidiaries, Hollar and Goldsmith. Starting with the 2024 catalog, you will not see any Syngenta Group, or Code 6, varieties listed in our paper catalog. We will continue to sell some varieties online until our in house inventory is gone. Purchasing them will not further support Syngenta Group, but help us limit our losses and lessen the financial impact of our decision.

ships year-round

5738 Zowie!™ Yellow Flame

A: 0.1g
B: 0.4g
C: 2g
supply limited, size not available

Additional Information


~110 seeds/g. except where noted.

Annual. Known as Youth and Old Age in the 1800s, this showy genus was named for German botany professor Johann Gottfried Zinn (1727-1759). Easy to grow from seed and a favorite for bright color in Maine summers. Zinnia flower essence is used to bring out playfulness and lightheartedness.

Culture: Sow in a sunny spot after last frost, or start indoors for earlier blooms. Germinates 3–5 days at 80–85°, more slowly at cooler temperatures. Grow on at 70° days, 60–65° at night. Temperatures below 60° delay flowering and may induce chlorosis. Space at 9–12".

They need good drainage and like heat. Market grower Jason Kafka says zinnias perform better in tunnels than in the field. With the extra heat they get so big that “they think they are in New Jersey.” Cut when flowers are almost fully mature, just before pollen starts to form. Deadhead to continue production.


All flowers are open-pollinated except where noted.

Days in parentheses after a variety indicate days to first bloom.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.