American Hazelnut


American Hazelnut

Corylus americana 12-18' × 10-15'. Also called American Filbert.

Squirrels, bluejays and humans alike relish the sweet tasty ½" nuts of this multi-stemmed rounded native shrub. Usually bears 3–5 years after planting. Collect the crop as soon as the husks begin to turn brown and lose their sticky yellowness. In central Maine that’s around the third week of September.

Showy catkins in spring. Dark green serrated foliage in summer. A patchwork of reds, yellows, oranges and greens in autumn. Suckers from the roots. Excellent for naturalizing in thickets. The main pest is nut weevil, which leaves a “hit” mark on the nut shell. (Raking up drops and spraying Surround may help with this.)

Prefers well-drained soils; pH adaptable. Full sun or light shade. May be self-fruitful but for best nut sets, plant more than one, 4-6' apart. Native to U.S. Z4. (1-3' bare-root plants)

ships in spring

7483 American Hazelnut

A: 1 ea
B: 5 ea