American Sycamore


American Sycamore

Plantanus occidentalis 75-100' × same. Also called American Planetree, Water Beech or Buttonball-tree.

Extraordinary native shade tree considered to be the largest indigenous hardwood in the U.S. The trunks and stems are a strikingly mottled patchwork of greenish-grey bark plates against chalky white background. Large 6"-wide lobed leaves resemble sugar maple. Little brown fruiting balls turn fuzzy, disperse in the winter wind and are eaten by finches and juncos. Branches twist and turn often at a sharp right angle. A remarkable show against the winter sky. We collected seed from the Hudson, NY, area and have been trialing in central Maine for the last seven years.

Grows well in average moist well-drained soils in full sun but will tolerate light shade. They show no dieback in winter, are FAST growing and seem unperturbed by extreme heat or drought. Native to bottomlands and riverbanks Maine to Minnesota and south to Texas. Z4/5. (2-3') BACK!

ships in spring

7496 American Sycamore

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