August Red Everbearing Raspberry


August Red Everbearing Raspberry

Rubus spp. Late. NH R7 [Durham × NH 102 (dwarf F2 seedling × Taylor)] × NY 287 [NY 18810 (Marcy × Indian Summer) × NY 20990 (R. strigosus selection)] Developed by EM Meader, UNH, 1973.

Considered the hardiest of the everbearing types—the last hope when no other raspberry will survive. Medium-large crimson fruit has excellent flavor. Compact 3' bush bears earlier than other everbearers, even Polana. Everbearing raspberries bear on first-year canes (primocanes) and are particularly desirable for northern growers because they can die (or be cut) to the ground and still produce a sizable crop the following year. August Red is productive midsummer, about Aug. 10 in central Maine.

We are very pleased to offer this rare variety. Z3. Maine Grown. (bare-root canes)

ships in spring

7447 August Red

A: 5 ea

Additional Information

Raspberries & Blackberries

Raspberries and Blackberries are self-pollinating; a second variety is not needed for pollination.

For more info:
About Raspberries & Blackberries