Black Tartarian Sweet Cherry


Black Tartarian Sweet Cherry

Prunus avium Early Summer. Originated in North Caucasus of southwestern Russia and brought to England in 1794, landed in U.S. markets in 1848.

In Cherries of New York 1914: “… tempting to the eye through their rotund form and glossy black color and are a delight to the palate, the handsome purplish-red flesh being firm and crisp, yet juicy, with a sweet, rich flavor which all agree gives the quality the rank of ‘very good to best.’” Once widely distributed in home gardens around the world, it fell out of favor commercially for thicker-skinned varieties that were easier to ship. Requires a second variety for pollination. Z4. (3–6' grafted bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7365 Black Tartarian

A: 1 ea

Additional Information

Sweet Cherries

Pollination varies among sweet cherries; see individual descriptions for pollination requirements. Plant 15–20' apart.

For more info:
About Cherries