Brandy Perry Pear


Brandy Perry Pear

Pyrus communis Fall. Medium-sharp perry pear. Southwest England, about 1820.

Too bitter for fresh eating but very good for making a strong aromatic perry. Also suitable for cooking. Medium acidity, low tannin. (SG 1.069) Small roundish-pyriform yellowish fruit with a reddish blush. Brandy was one of the pears used by James Marsden and Helen Woodman in the delicious perry we drank at their Gregg’s Pit Orchard in Herefordshire. Their press had a large flat grooved stone base that looked to be about 300 years old. It probably was.

Annual or tending to biennial. Medium-small spreading tree. Probably Z4. BACK! (2½–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7347 Brandy

A: 1 ea

Additional Information

European Pears

Although some pears appear to be self-pollinating, we recommend a second variety for pollination. Bloom dates for all varieties are similar. Plant 15–20' apart. For 2024, European Pears and Perry Pears are on OHxF97 or a similar rootstock.

For more info:
About Pears