Chenango Strawberry Apple


Chenango Strawberry Apple

Malus spp. Late Summer. Lebanon, NY, or possibly Connecticut, c. 1850.

Excellent tender-skinned tender-fleshed dessert and cooking apple ripens over several weeks in September. Subacid and aromatic. Yellowish-white skin covered with soft pastel pinky-red “strawberry” stripes and a very long famously distinctive conic strawberry shape. One of the more famous American heirlooms—there’s no other apple like it. Originally called Frank, after the man who first introduced the variety. Another early synonym was Jackson Apple, possibly his last name. Also known by several other synonyms including Zepherus Chernogous. Wow!

Tends to bear annually. Keeps only a week or two. Blooms midseason. Z4. Indigenous Royalties. Maine Grown. BACK! (Semi-dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7213 Chenango Strawberry

B: 1 on Bud 118 semi-dwarfing stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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