For years we listed this as S. alba ‘Tristis’ Niobe Weeping Willow. The classic weeping willow. A very large majestic graceful wide-spreading tree with golden drooping branches that hang to the ground and sweep in a breeze. Buzzes with life when May flowers attract loads of pollinating bees. Very fast growing and hardy, may shed lower branches as it grows. Light green leaves turn yellow in fall.
Prefers full sun and moist to wet soils but tolerates a range. When young, treat like an apple tree and protect the trunk with mouse guards in winter. Keep grass away from the base to deter voles in summer. Don’t plant near septic fields; roots can break into the tank. Native to southern Europe and western Asia. Z3. (1–3' bare-root trees)
We also offer pussy willows, basket willows and other smaller ornamental willows.