‘Frans Hals’
Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 34-36" tall. Smart-looking 4–4½" blooms look like pinwheels—orange-red petals alternate with bright yellow sepals. Petals have... read more


Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 30" tall. Intensely fragrant trumpet-shaped lemon-yellow flowers. Widely planted on old farmsteads in Maine. A must-have in the naturalized perennial border. Midsummer blooms. Z2. read more


‘Pink Stripes’
Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 30" tall. Rare variety, with wild paint-brushed patterns. Big 7" magenta-rose flowers are streaked with shades of pink and cream... read more


‘Primal Scream’
Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 24" tall.

Let this daylily keep you company as you scream into the void. Giant 7–8" glowing diamond-dusted tangerine blossoms with

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‘Siloam David Kirchoff’
Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 16" tall. Dreamy orchid-lavender flowers with cerise penciled eyezones and apple-green throats. Petite blossoms span 4". This variety... read more
