Ember Hybrid Plum


Ember Hybrid Plum

Prunus persica Late Summer. MN 83 (P. sal. Shiro × P. a. South Dakota #33) U Minn, 1936.

Medium-sized roundish-conic slightly pointed red plum with a medium bloom. Tastes like an apricot. Rich yellow juicy sweet flesh is very firm and meaty but tender. Recommended for cooking and fresh eating. Low spreading vigorous tree. Rare in the trade. Z3. Maine Grown. BACK! (3–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7392 Ember

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Additional Information

Hybrid Plums

Hybrid plums require a second variety for pollination. The North American native plum Prunus americana is a particularly good pollinator for hybrid plums. Your plum trees can be planted close to form a thicket, or spaced 15–20' in an orchard setting.

At maturity, hybrid plums are roughly 15–20' tall.

For more info:
About Plums