Garden Royal Apple


Garden Royal Apple

Malus spp. Late Summer-Early Fall. Schleswiger Erdbeerapfel × UF13. Sudbury, MA, about 1790.

AJ Downing, in the 1860 edition of his Fruits and Fruit Trees of America, calls this dessert apple “very tender, juicy, rich, vinous, aromatic, a beautiful and excellent fruit.” We agree 100%. On a good year from our tree, the Garden Royals are perfectly balanced and highly flavored. Aptly named, it is truly regal.

Small to medium-sized round-conic fruit is deep red with prominent white dots. No scab. Blooms midseason. Z4. (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7227 Garden Royal

A: 1 on standard stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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