Garfield Plantation Pie Cherry


Garfield Plantation Pie Cherry

Prunus cerasus Summer. Garfield Plantation, Maine.

Heirloom pie cherry grown for generations on an Aroostook County farm. One of our most promising finds in our search for varieties that really produce well in the Northeast. In the spring of ’09, Garfield trees in northern Maine flowered and fruited after –44°! Bright red fruit is similar to Montmorency. Hardy, productive, extremely long-lived, and proving to be very resistant to disease in our northern trials.

Although the original tree is long gone, it lives on in the form of innumerable young trees that have suckered up to 100' or more behind the farm along the edge of the ubiquitous potato field. Recommended for trial in all areas of northern New England. Z3. Maine Grown. (3–6' grafted bare-root trees) Limited supply—order early!

ships in spring

7373 Garfield Plantation

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Additional Information

Pie Cherries

Pie Cherries are self-pollinating; one tree alone is sufficient. Plant 15–20' apart.

For more info:
About Cherries