GoldRush Apple


GoldRush Apple

Malus spp. Winter. Coop 38 {PRI 2750-6=[Coop 17 (PRI 1689-100) × Golden Delicious]}. PRI Coop, 1994.

The first of the new disease-resistant varieties from the Purdue-Rutgers-Illinois apple breeding program to have superior storage qualities. Not only that, it’s probably the best-tasting apple to come out of that program.

Medium-to-large round-conic fruit has uniform deep greenish-yellow opaque chewy skin that turns golden in storage. Creamy white green-flecked flesh is hard, very crisp, juicy and tart.

Excellent flavor. Serve them for dessert in February and March and no one will be disappointed. Becoming very popular with cidermakers. A good sharp addition to hard cider. Ripens late but successfully in central Maine. Ours stayed firm and delicious through early June in the root cellar.

Highly resistant to scab and powdery mildew. Moderate fireblight resistance. Blooms midseason to late. Z4. Maine Grown. (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees; dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7231 GoldRush

A: 1 on standard stock
E: 1 on Bud 9 dwarfing stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

For more info: