Gray Pearmain Apple


Gray Pearmain Apple

Malus spp. Fall-Winter. Tolman Sweet × unknown. Probably Skowhegan, Maine, before 1870.

Absolutely delicious dessert apple with a distinct pear flavor and firm white juicy mildly tart flesh. Steadily gaining a devoted following. Medium-sized slightly ribbed and muffin-shaped fruit has a soft opaque greenish-yellow skin with a rosy pink blush, a russet veil, and a greyish bloom. Produces excellent juice. Pick late and eat them in the fall and all winter.

Until recently the only trees we knew of were at The Apple Farm in Fairfield, across the town line from Skowhegan, Maine. Through the generosity of Marilyn and Steve Meyerhans, the Gray Pearmain is now grown throughout Maine and beyond.

Annually bearing easy-to-grow medium-sized spreading tree. Blooms midseason. Z4. Maine Grown. (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7234 Gray Pearmain

A: 1 on standard stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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