Grimes Golden Apple


Grimes Golden Apple

Malus spp. Fall. Parentage unknown. West Virginia, 1804.

Tart citrusy crisp dense firm fruit is excellent for both dessert and cooking: wonderful spicy fresh eating, pies, applesauce and cider. Medium-sized roundish fruit with opaque yellow skin scattered with grey russet dots and an occasional faint blush.

All-around excellent variety grown in old Maine orchards for more than 100 years. This is a perfect apple for the New England homestead north to about Bangor. An added bonus is that the fruit doesn’t ripen all at once. In central Maine they begin to ripen and drop in mid-October. We collect them off the ground and use them right up. Then around Halloween we pick the bulk of the crop to store in the root cellar until late winter. One of John Bunker’s top five favorite apples.

Productive precocious tree. Blooms mid-late season. Z4. Maine Grown. (Semi-dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7235 Grimes Golden

B: 1 on Bud 118 semi-dwarfing stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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