Haralson Apple


Haralson Apple

Malus spp. Winter. MN 90 (Malinda × open-pollinated) U Minn, 1923. One of the first introductions from the Minnesota Horticultural Research Center and still the most commonly grown apple in Minnesota.

A nearly perfect all-purpose apple for those in northernmost areas. Roundish-conic bright red-striped to mostly solid red fruit, with moderately conspicuous dots and some russeting. White firm crisp juicy flesh. Pleasant sprightly subacid flavor for fresh eating, pies, baking, sauce, freezing and cider. Highly productive and reliable. Harvest in October, keeps until March.

Extremely hardy naturally small tree with a strong central leader and well-formed wide-angled branching habit. Sets fruit heavily; thin some of the small apples to ensure larger fruit size and encourage annual cropping. Fruit quality and size also seems to respond noticeably to better soils. Blooms late. Z3. BACK! (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7236 Haralson

A: 1 on standard stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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