Keepsake Apple


Keepsake Apple

Malus spp. Winter. MN 1593. (MN 447 [Frostbite] × Northern Spy). U Minn, 1979.

One of the best of all winter storage varieties. Fine-textured flesh is hard, crisp, juicy and sweet. Excellent aromatic flavor, but wait about a month after picking before eating. Well named—keeps until July in the root cellar.

Irregular conic medium-sized fruit is almost entirely overlaid with stripes and a wash of very deep red. Same parentage as Sweet Sixteen. Resembles Frostbite and Sweet Sixteen in appearance and taste, although the flavor is not quite as intense. Fruit size can be somewhat small.

Don’t be afraid to thin the crop each year 3 or 4 weeks after petal fall. You’ll be happy you did. Moderately vigorous medium-sized tree reaches its prime in northern New England and the Upper Midwest.

Somewhat resistant to scab. Blooms late. Z3. Maine Grown. (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees; semi-dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees; dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7243 Keepsake

A: 1 on standard stock
C: 1 on M111 semi-dwarfing stock
E: 1 on G11 dwarfing stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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