Mountain Mint - Organic


Mountain Mint - Organic

Pycnanthemum virginianum 30" tall.

Feed your local pollinators with this densely flowered native. White to light lavender flowers with tiny purple spots bloom July to August. Wispy upright branching foliage smells intensely minty when crushed. A strong infusion of the aerial parts makes a tasty minty tea, traditionally used to settle indigestion. Avoid during pregnancy.

Spreads by shallow underground rhizomes and will ramble around if you let it, so choose planting location wisely! Prefers moist soil and will do well in full sun to part shade. Once established, it will grow well in a wide range of soils. Tolerates clay, heat and drought. Try growing it along the woodland edge—deer are not fond of this plant.

Native to eastern U.S. from Maine to Michigan and south to Georgia and Texas. Z4. Maine Grown. (bare-root crowns)

ships in spring
OGThis item is certified organic

7740 Mountain Mint - Organic

A: 1 ea
B: 3 ea

Additional Information

Medicinal and Culinary Herbs

These plants have long histories of traditional culinary and medicinal uses. It’s up to you to educate yourself about the safety and efficacy of using plants for medicinal purposes. The statements in our catalog and website regarding traditional medicinal uses of plants have not been evaluated by the FDA. The plants we sell are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Plants may take a year or more to establish before they flower; roots often take several years to reach harvestable maturity.

Herbaceous Perennial Plants

When you receive your order, open the bags and check the stock immediately. Roots and crowns should be firm and pliable. Surface mold is harmless and will not affect the plant’s future performance. Store plants in their packaging in a cool (35–40°) location until you are ready to plant. If it’s going to be awhile, you can pot up your perennials.

Do not plant bare-root perennial plant crowns directly outdoors before danger of frost has passed. Wet and/or cold conditions for an extended period may cause rotting.

For more info:
About planting bare-root perennials