Northern Bush Honeysuckle


Northern Bush Honeysuckle

Diervilla lonicera 2-4' × 2-5' Also called Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle. Don’t be fooled by the common name: it isn’t really a honeysuckle.

Long pointed lustrous dark green leaves emerge with a hint of bronze. Five little bright yellow petals on each tubular flower curl open and away, an invitation to insects, hummingbirds, butterflies and garden tourists. A favorite of the bumblebee. Clusters of flowers form in the axils of new growth. Extended-season bloomer. Good for erosion control or mass planting.

Full sun to light shade. Tolerates even the poorest soils, but if you want it to naturalize, give it rich moist soil. Pest and disease free. Native to eastern North America. Z3. Maine Grown. (1-3' bare-root plants)

ships in spring

7532 Northern Bush Honeysuckle

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