Norway Spruce


Norway Spruce

Picea abies 80' Fast-growing wide-spreading upright picturesque tree with graceful long pendulous branches that often reach the ground. Largest of the spruces.

If you go to the Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Mass., don’t miss the ancient Norway spruce just inside the front gate. Several of its massive drooping branches have rooted and turned into secondary trunks. It is truly amazing.

Orange-brown scaly bark. Excellent lumber. Showy 4-6" cones. Bright green foliage.

Plant in full sun to part shade. Prefers loam but tolerates poorer soils better than other spruces. Native to northern Europe. Z2. (bare-root transplants)

ships in spring

7507 Norway Spruce

A: 5 14-18", Maine Grown
B: 5 24-30"

Additional Information


Evergreens tolerate a wide range of soil conditions, but prefer a pH between 5.5–6.5.
Young conifers need ¾–1" of rain per week. Periodic deep waterings are far more beneficial than frequent sprinklings. No fertilization is necessary in the first year.

For more info:
About Conifers