Nova European Pear


Nova European Pear

Pyrus communis Late Summer. Hammond, NY. Seedling discovered and introduced by Bill MacKentley of St Lawrence Nurseries, Potsdam, NY.

Large yellow rounded dessert fruit covered in green dots with occasional russet splashes. Melting juicy flesh. Chris Blanchard’s favorite pear. For decades he and Liz Lauer have been trialing a wide assortment of pears a few hours north of us in Penobscot County. He described it as “large with smooth creamy texture and a thin skin. Wonderful dessert pear. Also the best canning of our 12–14 varieties.” Holds its shape in the jar.

Very hardy, though from our trials in northern Aroostook County, not quite as hardy as Patten. Appears to be scab free. Z3. Maine Grown. BACK! (2½–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7342 Nova

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Additional Information

European Pears

Although some pears appear to be self-pollinating, we recommend a second variety for pollination. Bloom dates for all varieties are similar. Plant 15–20' apart. For 2024, European Pears and Perry Pears are on OHxF97 or a similar rootstock.

For more info:
About Pears