Scott’s Winter Apple


Scott’s Winter Apple

Malus spp. Winter. Unknown parentage. Newport, VT, 1864.

A very tart dessert apple and a supremely wonderful midwinter pie apple. Small to medium-sized roundish truncate fruit completely and densely striped and dashed with red. Pick them in late October and store them at least a month before putting the knife to them. A pie in December will hold its shape and be still on the tart side. While nearly everyone will like these early pies, the real treat comes in February when the apples are still firm but a little spongy. Then the pies are at peak flavor; they might sink a bit but the taste is exquisite. Friends have told us it was the best pie they’d ever eaten—and it wasn’t the crust! Will keep all winter in the root cellar.

Blooms early-midseason. Z3. BACK! (Semi-dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7269 Scott’s Winter

B: 1 on Bud 118 semi-dwarfing stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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